Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tent Schools...

I have never heard about "Tent schools" , until i visited one of them day before yesterday.
I accompanied my roomie who was also visiting the tent school for the first time.
The tent schools are schools which are built for children who cannot attend the regular schools. Also for the children of the daily labourers who work for some construction companies. They do not have a permanent accomodation as they keep moving to different places where the consturction activities happen and these children are not able to attend the regular schools. Hence they attend these "Tent Schools" which have been built near to the consturction sites itself, so that it would be possible for these children to attend the schools atleast till the time their parents are associated with that buildres.
Seven of us went to one such Tent School to have a look at the infrastructure and the materials available for the students and to find out if we can help them by some means. The land for this Tent School has bee donated by somebody(some generous hearted person) and the funds are also provided by Government. We found that there is no consistent attendance for the students as they are not motivated to attend the schools or they move to their hometown with their parents frequently . We decided to arrange for some activities to make the students regular to the school and also attract more children towards the school so that they would get a better quality of life.
In the coming weeks we have planned to spend some time with the students to understand them better and also hold some activities to make schools more intersting for them.

For more details and contribution check out-
Also for pictures of the smiling beauties in the Tent Schools check out -

Hope for the Best.


Tracer Bullet said...

very concise and crisp prriya...and thanks for referring my blog :)

Ramya Ramani said...

Hey priya so you have spent a day usefully :).Think the experience made you happy!

Divya said...

\\In the coming weeks we have planned to spend some time with the students to understand them better and also hold some activities to make schools more intersting for them.\\

gr8 work Priya,
keep going:))

priyamanaval said...

ramya : yes it was a fullfilling experience...

divya : wow divya... thanks for pitching in to my blog.... i am a great fan of your stories... and more to your "kavidhaigal"...